2015 - Erwerbung der Perlensucher am Museum Ludwig
VALIE EXPORT (*1940 in Linz, Austrai) is one of the most important pioneers of experimental film and cinema, as well as an outstanding protagonist of feminist and critical art. She laid the foundations for her career in the 1960s with expanded cinema installations and performances such as the TAP and TOUCH CINEMA.

TAP and TOUCH CINEMA vitrine, 1968/69
The TAP and TOUCH CINEMA vitrine, 1968/69 presents EXPORT’s concepts for ‘tap and touch film as the first true women’s film’, as well as contemporary photos and reactions from the press. It was created for the artist’s exhibition in the Kunsthaus Bregenz in 2011. For this, she created vitrines, in which she compiled her artistic concepts and documentation provided by third parties. She thus granted insight for the first time into hitherto largely unpublished archive material. With the vitrine, emphasis is placed on the central role played by the archives within EXPORT’s oeuvre as a whole: The artist has systematically compiled and maintained her archives from the very beginning; it thus serves as both a starting point and a moment of reflexion.
The work complements the Museum Ludwig’s already existing holdings of a photo and video of EXPORT’s TAP and TOUCH CINEMA.